DGtek Fibre Network
RSP Portal User Guide
How to use our service ordering portal.
Our check address / service availability API is used for our partners to identify if a customer’s building/address is within DGtek current footprint list of on-net buildings, Upcoming/planned buildings or not LIT yet.
  • For any address that shows the service is not available, please contact the DGtek Operations Team by sending an email to sales@dgtek.net.
  • If you are not registered with DGtek please see the below instructions on registering as a DGtek partner.
  • A status will be given upon search if it is within DGtek's footprint or not. If not available, please contact DGtek operations.
  • Our API will also offer an estimated service delivery timeframe. For example, on-net xx days, footprint xx weeks, construction commenced xx weeks, coming soon xx weeks, not available. See the portal for more accurate information.
Partner Instructions to Check Address:
Navigate to the DGtek Retail Service Provider portal - https://portal.dgtek.net/
Login with your details provided by the DGtek Operations team
Select the ‘Check Address’ tab
Within the ‘Check Address’ tab select the address field and enter the address/building for request
Select the address from the drop down and select Submit
Once address/building status is shown select ‘Add New Customer’
Fill in all required details and make sure the unique code appeared (Note: If there is no apartment number type ‘NA’)
Select Update/Save Details to continue. A prompt will remind you to assign them a service.
Select ‘Assign New Service’ to assign services to customer
Within the Service list select a service(s) for the customer via the assign button on the left-hand side pane.
NOTE: If you require an additional service please contact DGtek Operations.
Assign new service and you will receive confirmation that it has been transmitted.
The 'Service status' will state ‘Not connected’. You need to click on it to send the connection requirements to the DGtek service delivery team.
A dialogue box will appear reminding you of the MSA cancellation terms. Click yes to continue.
Service Status will now state AWAITING FOR CONNECTION.
If you require an update on the request, click on this status and select;
  • Severity’ (High, Medium or Low),
  • Priority’ (High, Medium or Low).
  • Type in a message for the DGtek Operations team such as "Can we get this scheduled by XX/XX/20XX, Contact me on 0413****** if you require further information."
  • Phone Number
Select UPDATE/SAVE DETAILS. A message will appear advising of the ticket being created and sent. One of the DGtek Operations team will get back to you via the ticket once this has been completed.
Once DGtek service delivery team will check your connection request you will notice the customer Service Status change from AWAITING FOR CONNECTION to AWAITING FOR SCHEDULING.
Select the AWAITING FOR SCHEDULING service status to schedule a date of installation.

Select a timeslot, then select either AM or PM booking and add any special requests within the text box and select Confirm booking button to continue.
Note: Two separate days must be selected at either AM or PM.
Once two days have been chosen, select SUBMIT SCHEDULING REQUEST to continue. The status will now be updated to AWAITING CONFIRMATION. The DGtek Operations team will review the scheduled time and the confirm booking soon by choosing one of the requested days/times.
Once a date has been confirmed by the DGtek operations team the Service status for the customer will be updated to IN JOB QUEUE.
Once the service has been activated after the installation date/time the service status will then be updated to ACTIVE.